Collin Christmas Party Collin Christmas Party Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone Number(Required)Do you have any dietary restrictions? (If none, leave blank) Would you like to pay online now?(Required) Yes, I'll pay $10 online for Collin Christmas Party Yes, I'll pay $5 online and will not eat at Collin Christmas Party No, I'll pay at the door Would you like to buy a $1 raffle ticket to win a FREE Winter Retreat?(Required) Yes, I'll buy a raffle ticket and pay for Collin Christmas Party No How many raffle tickets would you like to buy?(Required)If you would like to include a scholarship to help other students pay for the Collin Christmas Party, you can enter the amount here. *Once everyone is paid for, any leftover funds will be transferred to the general fund to further the mission of FOCUS. Total Credit Card(Required)Card Details Cardholder Name