FOCUS is an interdenominational campus ministry at a number of campuses in the DFW area. While our community has learned a lot and changed significantly over the years, our mission has always remained the same: making and maturing disciples on DFW college campuses.
It is our conviction that university campuses are the crossroads of the modern world, where ideas are discussed and various peoples and cultures come together. Because of that, and because college students are at a pivotal age where they are making decisions about what they believe and who they will become as adults, we are convinced there is no more strategic mission field in the world today than the college campus. In the US, virtually every nation in the world is sending some of its best and brightest here to learn. Our prayer is that the Church would not miss this revolving mission field that is often right down the street.
FOCUS is a community that values equipping students to be missionaries to their campus–they are the “natives” who go to class on campus, eat on campus, study on campus, play on campus, and often work on campus. They have access to more people now than they probably ever will. The FOCUS staff is committed to nurturing their faith, supporting them, and equipping them to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity. Our vision is to build missional communities on every campus in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and to develop leaders for the Church at large.
We are committed to the Bible as God’s Word, and our members from many Christian traditions unite around the ancient Christian creeds and the confession that “Jesus is Lord.” We welcome fellowship with all who share those convictions.

FOCUS is a faith-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all gifts are tax-deductible. A 5-person board of directors oversees FOCUS, and the ministry director reports the financial and ministry activities to the board on a monthly basis. The ministry’s full-time staff members are supported through monthly and one time gifts from friends, ministry alumni, various churches, students, and family members who share the vision of reaching university students with the Gospel of Jesus.