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Brandon went to UTD as a freshman in 1997 and never left. His dad became a Christian in college while studying chemistry, and then a campus minister, so campus ministry is in his blood. He has 2 degrees in business from UTD and a Masters of Arts in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He also worked on the side in business consulting for much of his career. He enjoys reading, racquetball, and ultimate frisbee, but mostly just spending time with friends–especially college students! He has a booming laugh and sometimes gets texts while in the Student Union that say, “I know you’re here somewhere–I heard you laughing.” He’s married to Sarah, who leads FOCUS at UT Arlington. Fittingly, he proposed in front of over 600 students.


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Mandy graduated from UT Dallas with a Bachelors in Economics and Finance and from Amberton University with a Masters in Human Relations and Business. She was involved in starting FOCUS at UTD while she was a student there. This is where her passion and love for campus ministry began. Mandy married Andrew in 2002 and they both are crazy about their labradors, Harvey and Daisy.


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A West Coast transplant, Peter tries his best to pass as a native Texan, including learning to love two-step dancing, country music, and that southern drawl. A graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, Peter is thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from giants in the faith and receive a Master of Divinity degree. Coming up on a decade of campus ministry, Peter is still in love with being part of Jesus' work in transforming lives on college campuses. He lives in Plano with his wife, Emily, and their three dogs.


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Originally from the UK, Laurence has called Texas home for the last 20 years. He attended UNT where God changed his life through campus ministry and he graduated with a BBA in Business. Laurence has spent the last 10 years as a minister at UTD and SMU and this Fall is heading back to UTD. He is married to Sarah and they have 2 kids that he would love to show you pictures of.


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Amy graduated with a BFA in Drama from the University of Oklahoma in 2002. She found FOCUS at UTD that November and has been hanging around ever since. She fell in love with Jesus in FOCUS and that's where her passion for campus ministry was born. She's enjoyed serving with FOCUS at Collin College, UNT, and here at UTD. She lives in Plano with her husband Aaron and their twins Evan and Madison.


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Growing up, members of FOCUS were a big part of Cort’s life. FOCUS students and staff taught his Sunday School classes and volunteered at his camps all the way up until he graduated high school. Cort joined FOCUS at Collin College in the Fall of 2014 and, after 2 years of study at Collin, Cort transferred to The University of Texas at Dallas to complete a Bachelors of Arts in Arts and Technology. Even though his dream is to work in the production of games and cartoons, Cort felt led by God to go back and continue doing ministry with FOCUS.


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Kylie graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas (Whoosh) in 2019, with a B.S. in Business Administration. She previously attended Collin College (Go Cougs) for her freshman and sophomore year, where she was introduced to FOCUS. This ministry made a profound impact, not only on her experience in college but on her life as a disciple. She was able to stay at UTD post-grad for the apprenticeship and had so much fun that she decided it wasn’t time for her to leave yet. Some of Kylie’s other interests include singing, reading, dancing, Disney, and her dog, Moose.


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Andrea was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, where she was never more than a couple of blocks away from a breakfast taco. After high school, she moved to Dallas and fell in love with Jesus (and of course Temoc, UTD’s school mascot). Andrea graduated in 2020 with a degree in Psychology and Child Learning and Development. She also minored in Visual Arts, mostly as an excuse to spend more time in the beautiful arts building.


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Lailah is a San Francisco native who graduated from Howard University with a BFA in Dance. Following graduation in 2015, she worked with Dallas Black Dance Theatre for 6 years as a dancer and dance teacher. In year 5 of her time at DBDT, a co-worker, friend, and FOCUS grad studied the Bible with her, and it was there that her desire to follow Christ emerged. As her new walk with Christ deepened, so did her hunger for being an effective disciple. With that goal in mind, she decided to transition from her dance career to the FOCUS apprenticeship, and expects to learn how to love people and be a trustworthy leader for Christ in the world.


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Jessica graduated from UTD with a Bachelors in Psychology and Child Learning and Development. She was introduced to FOCUS her freshman year and the Lord used this community to teach her so much about His love for people, His sovereignty, and His call to make and mature disciples. Along with campus ministry, Jessica enjoys baking, reading, and spending time with people!


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Siena graduated from UT Dallas in 2021 with a B.S in Business Administration and with a heart to make Jesus known to college students in the DFW area. She worked with FOCUS at Southern Methodist University for three years until God called her back to UTD in 2024. She is married to Jacob Davis, her biggest fan, and is thankful to have so many of her close friends from FOCUS here in the Dallas area. Siena loves connecting with new people and can talk your ears off about how God has used FOCUS to deeply impact her life and her faith. Her other passions include birding, taking naps, and sitting in a hot car after freezing in a restaurant.


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At UNT Arianna discovered FOCUS and was met with an inviting and genuine community that helped grow her love for Jesus and people. After graduating and working for a year she felt that she was not done with campus ministry and decided to become a pastoral apprentice with FOCUS. When she’s not falling down video essay rabbit trails, she can be found hanging out at coffee shops and watching movies with friends. She’s excited to partner with God’s transformative work in people’s lives and continue to grow in her faith.


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C.K. graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. At UT he began a deep personal relationship with Jesus. After college he went to work as an engineer in Dallas, and started serving at East Plano Fellowship. While serving he felt God tugging on his heart to work in ministry full time. After a few short years of fellowship in the community, C.K. finally made the jump and started the FOCUS Apprenticeship. He lives in Dallas with his lovely wife, Renee, who is a missionary on our SMU campus team.


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Paul graduated from UTD in 2024 with a Bachelors in Chemistry. During his sophomore year of college, he first truly encountered the love of Jesus through close friendships and the FOCUS community. Now, he hopes to share that same love with so many other students on campus through the focus apprenticeship program. The FOCUS community has shown Paul so well what it means to love like Jesus, and he is excited to do the same. Paul also loves to play sand volleyball, laugh hard, and eat goldfish.